JEE Advanced Syllabus
JEE Advanced Syllabus
The JEE Advanced 2024 exam took place on June 4th, 2024. For students planning to apply for JEE Advanced next year, it’s essential to thoroughly review the JEE Advanced syllabus. The JEE Advanced syllabus focuses more on the practical application of scientific concepts. Preparation for the JEE Advanced exam differs from that of board exams and requires a different approach and expert guidance for success. The official JEE Advanced syllabus is always released on the official website and is determined based on recommendations from participating institutions, taking into account the syllabi of different state boards, CBSE, and CISCE. The current syllabus is based on the 2024 syllabus, and the updated syllabus will be provided once released by the authorities.
JEE Advanced Physics Syllabus and Important Topics
The topics covered include units and dimensions, dimensional analysis, least count, significant figures, methods of measurement, and error analysis for physical quantities related to various experiments. These experiments involve the use of Vernier calipers and a screw gauge (micrometer), determination of “g” using a simple pendulum, Young’s modulus using Searle’s method, specific heat of a liquid using a calorimeter, determination of the focal length of a concave mirror and a convex lens using the u-v method, speed of sound using a resonance column, verification of Ohm’s law using a voltmeter and ammeter, and determination of the specific resistance of a wire using a meter bridge and a post office box.
- Kinematics in one and two dimensions (Cartesian coordinates only), projectiles; Uniform
- circular motion; Relative velocity.
- Newton’s laws of motion; Inertial and uniformly accelerated frames of reference; Static
- and dynamic friction; Kinetic and potential energy; Work and power; Conservation of
- linear momentum and mechanical energy.
- Systems of particles; Centre of mass and its motion; Impulse; Elastic and inelastic
- collisions.
- Law of gravitation; Gravitational potential and field; Acceleration due to gravity; Motion
- of planets and satellites in circular orbits; Escape velocity.
- Rigid body, a moment of inertia, parallel and perpendicular axes theorems, a moment of
- the inertia of uniform bodies with simple geometrical shapes; Angular momentum; Torque;
- Conservation of angular momentum; Dynamics of rigid bodies with fixed axis of rotation;
- Rolling without slipping of rings, cylinders and spheres; Equilibrium of rigid bodies;
- Collision of point masses with rigid bodies.
- Linear and angular simple harmonic motions.
- Hooke’s law, Young’s modulus.
- Pressure in a fluid; Pascal’s law; Buoyancy; Surface energy and surface tension, capillary
- rise; Viscosity (Poiseuille’s equation excluded), Stoke’s law; Terminal velocity,
- Streamline flow, equation of continuity, Bernoulli’s theorem and its applications.
- Wave motion (plane waves only), longitudinal and transverse waves, superposition of
- waves; Progressive and stationary waves; Vibration of strings and air columns;
- Resonance; Beats; Speed of sound in gases; Doppler effect (in sound).
Thermal Physics
- Thermal expansion of solids, liquids and gases; Calorimetry, latent heat; Heat conduction in one dimension; Elementary concepts of convection and radiation; Newton’s law of cooling; Ideal gas laws; Specific heats (Cv and Cp for monatomic and diatomic gases);
- Isothermal and adiabatic processes, bulk modulus of gases; Equivalence of heat and work; First law of thermodynamics and its applications (only for ideal gases); Blackbody radiation: absorptive and emissive powers; Kirchhoff’s law; Wien’s displacement law, Stefan’s law.
Electricity and Magnetism
- Coulomb’s law; Electric field and potential; Electrical potential energy of a system of point charges and of electrical dipoles in a uniform electrostatic field; Electric field lines;
- The flux of electric field; Gauss’s law and its application in simple cases, such as, to find field due to infinitely long straight wire, uniformly charged infinite plane sheet and uniformly charged thin spherical shell. Capacitance; Parallel plate capacitor with and without dielectrics; Capacitors in series and parallel; Energy stored in a capacitor.
- Electric current; Ohm’s law; Series and parallel arrangements of resistances and cells;
- Kirchhoff’s laws and simple applications; Heating effect of current.
- Biot–Savart’s law and Ampere’s law; Magnetic field near a current-carrying straight wire, along the axis of a circular coil and inside a long straight solenoid; Force on a moving charge and on a current-carrying wire in a uniform magnetic field.
- The magnetic moment of a current loop; Effect of a uniform magnetic field on a current loop;
- Moving coil galvanometer, voltmeter, ammeter and their conversions.
- Electromagnetic induction: Faraday’s law, Lenz’s law; Self and mutual inductance; RC, LR and LC circuits with d.c. and a.c. sources.
- Rectilinear propagation of light; Reflection and refraction at plane and spherical surfaces;
- Total internal reflection; Deviation and dispersion of light by a prism; Thin lenses;
- Combinations of mirrors and thin lenses; Magnification.
- Wave nature of light: Huygen’s principle, interference limited to Young’s double-slit experiment.
Modern Physics
- Atomic nucleus; α, β and γ radiations; Law of radioactive decay; Decay constant; Halflife and mean life; Binding energy and its calculation; Fission and fusion processes;
- Energy calculation in these processes.
- Photoelectric effect; Bohr’s theory of hydrogen-like atoms; Characteristic and continuous X-rays, Moseley’s law; de Broglie wavelength of matter waves.
JEE Advanced Chemistry Syllabus and Important Topics
Physical Chemistry Syllabus
General topics
- The concept of atoms and molecules, Mole’s concept, and Dalton’s atomic theory.
- Balanced chemical equations, Chemical formulas, and Calculations on the mole concept involving common oxidation and reduction.
- Neutralization and displacement reactions.
- Concentration in terms of mole fraction, molality, molarity, and normality.
Liquid and Gaseous States
- The absolute scale of temperature, ideal gas equation, Deviation from ideality, van der Waals equation.
- Kinetic theory of gases, average, root mean square and most probable velocities and their relation with temperature.
- Law of partial pressures, Vapour pressure and Diffusion of gases.
Atomic Structure and Chemical Bonding
- Bohr model, the spectrum of a hydrogen atom, quantum numbers, Wave-particle duality, de Broglie hypothesis and the Uncertainty principle.
- Qualitative quantum mechanical picture of the hydrogen atom, shapes of s, p and d orbitals, Electronic configurations of elements (up to atomic number 36), Aufbau principle, Pauli exclusion principle and Hund’s rule.
- Orbital overlap and the covalent bond; Hybridization involving s, p and d orbitals only; Orbital energy diagrams for homonuclear diatomic species; Hydrogen bond.
- Polarity in molecules, dipole moment (qualitative aspects only), VSEPR model and shapes of molecules (linear, angular, triangular, square planar, pyramidal, square pyramidal, trigonal bipyramidal, tetrahedral and octahedral).
- First law of Thermodynamics, Internal energy, work, and heat.
- Pressure-Volume work, Enthalpy, Hess’s law; Heat of reaction, fusion, and vaporization.
- The second law of Thermodynamics, Entropy, Free energy, and the criterion of spontaneity.
Chemical Equilibrium
- Law of mass action, Equilibrium constant, and Le Chatelier’s principle (effect of concentration, temperature and pressure).
- The significance of Delta G and Delta G0 in chemical equilibrium, Solubility product, common ion effect, pH, and buffer solutions.
- Acids and bases (Bronsted and Lewis concepts) and Hydrolysis of salts.
- Electrochemical cells and cell reactions; Standard electrode potentials; Nernst equation and its relation to Delta G.
- Electrochemical series, emf of galvanic cells, Faraday’s laws of electrolysis.
- Electrolytic conductance, specific, equivalent and molar conductivity, Kohlrausch’s law, and Concentration cells.
Chemical Kinetics
- Rates of chemical reactions, Order of reactions, and Rate constant.
- First-order reactions, Temperature dependence of rate constant (Arrhenius equation).
Solid State
- Classification of solids, crystalline state, and seven crystal systems (cell parameters a, b, c, Alpha, Beta, Gamma).
- Close-packed structure of solids (cubic), packing in fcc, bcc and hcp lattices.
- Nearest neighbours, ionic radii, simple ionic compounds, point defects.
- Raoult’s law, Molecular weight determination from lowering of vapour pressure, the elevation of boiling point and depression of freezing point.
- Surface chemistry: Elementary concepts of adsorption (excluding adsorption isotherms).
- Colloids: types, methods of preparation and general properties; Elementary ideas of emulsions, surfactants, and micelles (only definitions and examples).
Nuclear chemistry
- Radioactivity: isotopes and isobars, Properties of Alpha, Beta, and Gamma rays.
- Kinetics of radioactive decay (decay series excluded), carbon dating.
- Stability of nuclei with respect to proton-neutron ratio; Brief discussion on fission and fusion reactions.